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FitOn @ ReZo Spa for instructions.
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(Photos will be added soon)
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Please make sure to Create your FoxC6 FitOn account on a Computer Browser
Login to your FoxC6 FitOn account on the FitOn App
Along the bottom of the screen find “In Person” and click on it.
A map should appear with dots showing locations where you can use your credits
ReZo Spa should be one of those dots, you may have to zoom in.
If Rezo Spa is not shown on your map, use the Locations Search Bar to type in ReZo Spa.
You may have to zoom in. Click on the ReZo Spa dot, and a ReZo Spa banner will appear, if it does not appear, click on the dot and it should come up.
Once you are on the ReZo Spa FitOn page, look at the lower half of the screen
The first option is for a ReZo Spa Platinum Membership. To use this option, you will have to pay FitOn for the difference in credits.
Below the Platinum Membership, you will see “Sauna Drop-in” you are NOT required to use this option for the Sauna. This option is 5 Credits and is good for 20 minutes of ANY ReZo Spa Service or combination of services.
To the right of the “Sauna Drop-in,” you will see “Drop-In.” This option is 6 Credits and good for 30 minutes of ANY ReZo Spa services or combination of services.
You can use Three 6 credit purchases for 90 minutes of services per month. You will have 2 credits left over, which do not roll over, but you actually get 10 minutes more.
Or, you can use Four 5 Credit purchases for 80 minutes of services per month.
Choose the drop in option you want by choosing the date and time in that option’s box. The date must match the date you are coming in to ReZo Spa. The time doesn’t matter as this part of the process DOES NOT make your appointment with ReZo Spa.